Who We Are

Fresnel Insurance Brokers & Comsultants
Established in 1999, registered under the name of PT. Fresnel Perdana Mandiri by virtue of the Minister of Law and Legislation Decree No: C-3285 HT.01.01/2000 and the Minister of Finance Licensing No: Kep.264/KM.17/2000, is an aggressive and committed insurance broking and consulting company supported by dedicated and professional team of brokers and consultants that comes from various field and academic background.
The services we provide include insurance placements, claims analysis – handling and processing, risk analysis and recommendations, account maintenance, and insurance administration.
We are currently developing our business strategy to focus on becoming an insurance service provider, which proves to be very useful for our clients because to them, the aspect of insurance administration was never an easy task to manage by anyone outside the insurance industry. We aim at taking over the client’s insurance issue so that they need not worry with regards to providing comprehensive coverage(s), claims management nor administrational work that relates to these issues, which will eventually lead to reducing their costs by not having to employ staffs to manage it.
FRESNEL is totally dedicated and committed to the industry.
The investments we have made are long term and are here to stay.
We service various types of Insurance product ranging from General, Health, to Life.
On the General Insurance side, coverage like Industrial All Risks, Property All Risks, Machinery Breakdown, Marine Cargo and Hull, Fleet-Motor Vehicle, Electronic Equipments, Liability (Product, Public, and Comprehensive), Stock-Through-Put, and Heavy Equipments are our major portfolio.
We have done specialty lines such as Fine Arts Insurance, Growing Crops, Standing Timber, Livestock/Bloodstock Insurance, Aviation Insurance, Performance, Surety, and Custom Bonds, Bankers Blanket Bonds, Riots and Political Risks LPO 437 etc., which we are proud to say, have added to our wide range of experience. On the Health and Life Assurances, our biggest portfolio is on employee benefit program.
- Completely independent, not affiliated to any group or busines Incorporated in
- 100% privately owned Indonesian company, shares owned by 5 individuals
- December 1999 as a new company
- Licensed by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK) as an Insurance Broker in May 2000, hence commencement of operation
- Operate in all lines of business, all types of cover
- Member of the Indonesian Insurance and Reinsurance Broker Association (Asosiasi Perusahaan Pialang Asuransi dan Reasuransi Indonesia – APPARINDO)
- Member of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kamar Dagang dan Industri – KADIN)
- Officially Licensed to operate as Takaful/Syariah Broker by Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI)
Professional Indemnity Policy covering Fresnel’s professional risk with an amount of USD 3mio, OJK regulation only IDR 1bio.
Through gaining experience in various economic periods, our team are able to identify the best opportunities whether we are in good times or bad times. Good times provide growth in our portfolio and bad times, despite the potential negative effects, can provide opportunities.
Insurer Partners
- We are working with 55 general insurers of 76 total number of Indonesian general insurers
- As per regulation, we must place direct insurance business to local insurer. We cannot instruct issuing a policy to a foreign insurer. However, reinsurance placement to both domestic and international market is allowed although it must be done through a reinsurance broker. Reinsurance placement is often done and quite common both in the Indonesian insurance market and within Fresnel as well
- We do not have any particularly preferred insurance company or underwriter in order to maintain open market policy for the best interest of our client
- We do observe the particular preference or appetite of each underwriter and place our business accordingly to optimize rate, TC and capacity
- We also observe financial solvency and liquidity of each insurer and listen to and cross-checking information with the market for possible financial trouble of an underwriter and act accordingly to the circrumstances in the best interest of our client. In this light, quite recently we have avoided potential claim payment failure by 2 underwriters who have now gone bankurpt and received appreciation from our client for this inititative and action.